Wednesday 29 February 2012


I HATE my doctor.

I should probably justify that.

I went to my regular  doctor a number of years ago for a recurring problem. The first time he saw me, he said "that might need surgery."

I had a consultation booked and was shipped off to the hospital. however, waiting times being what they are, by the time the consult rolled around the problem had subsided. the consultant told me if it recurred it meant a definite surgery, susbsidence or no.

A year or so later, it comes back and I duly go to the docs to ask for a referral to the hospital again.

"Hmm," says he. "Have some anti-biotics"
And that was it.
He might as well have added "and dont let the door hit you on the way out. Cause I dont want ass prints on my clean door!"

So between that and another incident or 2 of a similar nature, thats where my hatred of my GP comes from.

So as much as I dislike my GP, I went to see him today. The process for transitioning from one gender to another is long enough, I wanted to lay as much groundwork in place as possible.
- How does a therapy session go?
-How do you even introduce a situation like mine?
       'Hey doc, how you enjoying being a man? I'll be honest its not blowing my skirt up'
       'So...... Im a girl'
- Can a non-specialist help me with how being trans makes me feel, rather than the trans feelings themselves?

see how clear i made all that? Yeah. I need help.

The doc calls me into his office and I take a seat. I decide to just bite the bullet and tell him...
 "Ive referred myself to [insert name of Gender Identity Clinic here] I wanted to talk to you as well to see if it would help if I talked to anyone else beforehand... Ya know... professionally."
After the worlds most uncomfortable silence he proceeds to question me using the most cliched terms, inappropriate questions and cold manner. Then ended it by telling me to basically suck it up and wait 8 months to see the GIC.
Seems you've missed my point there doc. Im not trying to skip the queue. i know the GIC is a small team; Im asking would someone not from that team help me with my feelings outwith the dysphoria.
 I may as well have been talking to her:

Well. That seemed to be that. Pushing the anger down, I wanted to at least be civil.
"Also, doctor, Ill be moving to [insert town name here] shortly, so Ill be changing GPs. I just wanted to say thanks for all the 'help' over the years"
Needless to say i didnt intone the sarcastic commas. No point being civil if you're also going to be an arse about it.

Without even deigning to look up from his desk he flips back "thats fine..."

With that I walked out feeling about 3" tall. So thats it. Hunker down and prepare for the long haul. Pray for a cancellation at the GIC, nothing more till then.

By the time I caught the bus to work, I was good and mad again. I wanted to go back and rant at the doc, with much pulling of beards!

Its not my fault if you hate your job!


So now someone knows outside of the tiny group of people I actually want to know. Someone I thought might actually be able to help me.


I feel dirty.

Im going for a shower.

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