Wednesday 29 February 2012

Workin' 9-5

Kind of in limbo now.

Off the back of my doc's ever so helpful non-recommendation Im left pondering my options.

Theyre pretty limited:

1. Grin and bear it
2. Talk to HR at my work and come up with a plan that allows me to transition and live as a woman at work even without HRT or surgery.
3. Attempt to fund my own counselling privately. At £230 per hour itd be hard going!
4. Self medicate with herbal hormone suppliments.
5. Thats about it.

1. ill go insane before 8 months are over
2. Terrifying. Since Ill have to come out to at least 2 other people to even talk about a plan. One of whom is a complete stranger.
3. Tough. Especially with bills and rent to pay. Anyone want to buy a kidney?
4. This is the pitfall. I know about the dangers of self medication. Its never a smart move. Desparation makes you do stupid things and itll be my test of willpower to avoid going down this road.

I think it may be time to talk to someone at work I trust. My employer has been rated pretty highly by Stonewall [LGBT organisation] so Ive got it easier than some in that respect...


Plus ive been to work dressed entirely in girls clothes before ;-P Not that you'd know it to look at me.

Skinny jeans
Long sleeve top with a girls cut Tshirt on top.
Girls skate shoes [Im lucky enough to be a 6.5 UK shoe size, so i can get womens shoes to fit me! ^_^]

what I wear under that Ill leave to your imagination. Or nightmares.

Your pick.

Lucy x

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